Tuesday, November 12, 2013

This is a picture of my behavior chart. I have an old chalkboard in my room. I cover it with gingham to brighten things up. Then I put magnetic strips on the back of my posters. I found these cute t-shirt magnets and use them to keep track of behaviors. All students start each day on "Great Day Blue." As behaviors occur,  the student is instructed to move his/her t-shirt down the chart. At the end of the day, the students color the date on the matching behavior calendar so that parents can see how their child's day went. This REALLY works!
Click here to get my Behavior Charts with Matching Calendars

This is a picture of the Behavior Chart in my classroom.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Here is a picture of my short vowel posters. I have limited space left on my walls... so they are located under my dry erase board. Click here to get my Short Vowel Posters.

This is a picture of my long vowel posters. Of course they are zebra themed!
Long Vowel Posters

I made these signs to remind my students how to behave during Teacher Read Aloud. I think I am becoming obsessed with zebra print! :) Click here to get my Zebra Themed Read Aloud Rules

Our wonderful custodian made me this fantastic rack to hang our classroom headphones on. Notice I also put numbers on the headphones. Each student is assigned a number. 

Friday, November 8, 2013

My daughter and I picked these tables up at a garage sale and painted them to match my zebra themed classroom. Spray paint and patterned duck tape are my new best friends.

Click here to go to my TPT store to get these cute  printable Owl Welcome Banner, desktop name plates, and door names will be the perfect addition to your owl themed classroom decor!

Classroom Photos

This is my word wall. Pictured you will find our high frequency words, student names, days of the week, months, numbers in base ten - ordinal- word form. At this point I have my theme one words up. More to come! I also provide the students with a word wall dictionary for table use. Click here to get my Number Posters to Twenty